I need to apologize
for the things
I thought about you
said about you
wished away about you
you tried to teach me things I wasn’t willing to hear
bounded in my thoughts, captured by my fear
as if something about me just didn’t add up
or I added up too much, too much for one cup
Portion of every book sold goes to
Today I am tired
My own voice yelling at myself
To keep grinding
To keep moving
To just pick it up
Those moments are the most powerful
The balance between what sets you apart
and what will break you
Impatience is the
ultimate sign of
I assume many people are opening this book expecting something about nutrition or fitness, perhaps some workouts. That has been my world for the past 10 years: teaching others about eating enough protein and how taking a fish oil can help you heal.
But before all else, I am a creator.
Sometimes we forget we are born to create, and sometimes we create for the wrong reasons.
But in the best of times creativity just pours out of us...and seeing creativity is contagious.
This book is a love story of the ups and downs, the highs and the lows, and the sometimes tumultuous but rewarding life that can be lived when one follows the path they desire.
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Spirit Animal: Polar Bear
Location: NY