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Burn V1

Are you ready to take your fitness to the next level?

Get off the treadmill and see the results you've been waiting for: IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO GET STRONG. #asfuh

This program is designed to help you get stronger through a daily warmup, a strength session and a quick, efficient workout. Strength training is the best way to get off the treadmill and start seeing the results you have always dreamt of. Once you purchase the program you will have created a login. When you are ready, login, pick a start date and jump in to your first workout! (Everything will be accessible via your account and workout reminders will be sent directly to your inbox)

Burn V1
This program is designed for intermediate level athletes wants to feel a good burn!
Each daily programming will be take about 60 minutes each day!
Workouts Per Week
Four workouts per week for six weeks including interval rest day training!
Recommended Equipment Availability
Some days can be done with dumbbells/EmPack but other days require gym access!
Getting started
Pick the day you want to start and you will get full access on that date!
How It Works
Everything will be accessible via your account online
Burn V1
What You Get + Need
What You Get
What You Need
4 Workouts a Week (60 minutes daily)
90+ Video Tutorials
A Private Facebook Group for my Strength Training Badasses ONLY to build a community, post videos on form, and get feedback on all your questions
Interval Training Workout options for in between strength workouts
Burn V1
Additional Info
What is the difference between versions?
Version 1 and Version 2 have the same difficulty level, but Version 2 programming adds a few new moves!
What do you recommend I start with?
We cannot require you to have done Version 1 but we highly recommend it!
What is each day like?
Each day will give you a muscle activation, strength and workout!
What if I have questions or need help?
Between our support team and the private Facebook group of Strength Training Badasses we will make sure you feel supported and get all of your questions answered!
If you need more guidance or have ANY questions please contact us!
Success in nutrition

I have been in the fitness industry for 10 years. In those years, I have struggled so much with finding balance for my weight. At one point I was teaching up to 16 group fitness classes a week, doing my own training, and still watching my weight creep up! I was doing all the conventional weight-loss wisdom that people will tell you – eating my whole grains, packing in protein, and counting each and every calorie as nothing more than just a calorie. When I joined my first 21 day challenge with Emily, I really dedicated everything to learning HOW to eat and why. I binge-watched the AskEm videos because I wanted to pick Emily’s…

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